Figurative Bust Sculptures

The War on Ukraine and The Syrian Refugee

The Syrian Refugee

wood, air-dry clay, blue painters tape, silk fabric, 6mm wire, and hot glue

The War on Ukraine

Blue and yellow ribbon, wood, air-dry clay, fabric, watered down acrylic paints

The first job center inside a refugee camp in Jordan. Allowing men and women to make money while being kept there for financial security and to reestablish their lives.

(Images linked)

The Syrian civil war forced forced millions out of their homes and still to this day the refugee population has hardly declined 11 years later. 13.4 million people still need assistance in finding stable jobs and homes.

London stand with Ukraine in the beginning stages of the war on Ukraine initiated by President Putin of Russia

(Images linked)

Kiev, Ukraine became a battle ground when protestors and riot police collided

Artist Statement

    I chose both of these topics because of their relevance and how both issues sort of happened and are still happening but are not talked about as much anymore in the media or in personal conversation opposed to when they first surfaced. I wanted to bring my classmates and my own attention back on these tragic events that have and still are effecting millions everyday. When it came to deciding on doing a woman to represent a refugee in my sculpture, I thought about the fact that these homemakers were ripped from their houses and were forced to live in camps with their children waiting for a job to come around so they can eventually make a new and free life for themselves. I wanted to replicate the feeling of being trapped inside these camps and the ground beneath being un-level resembling their lives they live filled with lack of stability. When I decided on the build of my second bust I knew President Putin had to be the face. Putting him high up was a conscious choice I made to show the dominance he craves as a leader in this world, which also goes along with his demeanor on the bust. Fraying the ends of the Ukraine flag is to represent the destruction taken place in the county itself and how Putin sits idly and watches the nation fall by his hand.



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